The visit of Ms Nkechi Harry Ngonadi, director of NHN Couture as the special guest instructor on our Bi-weekly entrepreneurship class was billed to be ‘fantapartful ‘and it didn’t disappoint as her speech to the students was fantabulous and impartful. The CEO of leading fashion design house NHN couture shares her story on starting her fashion designing business after receiving a vision from God to dress women in affordable and decent outfits.
The architect cum fashion designer shares her sojourn into fashion business which started when her husband was transferred to work in one of the countries in far east Asian – Bangladesh. It was while she was there that she had an encounter that gave her a change in paradigm, got her the vision and inspiration to delve into fashion business.
On her target market, the crooner of NHN couture, pedals on the discussion/interviewed that was earlier done for the students, when one of the students asserted that her target market is every woman…she was quick to correct that notion stating that “my target is every woman” – she explained that one must be able to distinguish her target market. There is no way anybody can cater for every woman but rather one must be selective on who you want to be your customers. She categorized her target market to be highly-connected-individuals(HNI) who are from all walks of life, both locally and internationally. In her words “I have customers calling me from all over the world for bookings and as a matter of fact, i have already been settled for 2018 in terms of works. In fact, I have asked my staff not to accept any order again, for the rest of the year”. She said this to advice the students not to chew more than what they can bite which is very common and prevailing bad practice that has given the profession bad reputation. She then, persuasively, advised the students not to limit their visions but must look beyond what their immediate minds can comprehend.
Ms Ngonadi revealed that her secret has always been her fervent trusting relationship with God. According to her, it’s a custom to her to always consulting God very early in the morning and declare how she wants the day to be as she considered herself to be an extremely spiritual person who believe in the power of prayer and praise. She also advised students to always put God at the center of every thing they do and to also learn how to balance different relationships, works, family and spiritual relationships.
She concluded by encouraging the students to be unique in their doings.”You have to believe in yourself and your processes”. She also advised that they treat their staff well and to see them as important part of their success stories.